



发售方式:Bambaland Store(DIYs为无预警发售)

发售价格: TKYO 320美元 红色乐队     

Yellow Hornets set 320美元 黄色乐队  

TKYO + Yellow Hornets set 600美元 红色黄色2套     

TKYO + Yellow Hornets set + Interyo 900美元(3AA exclusive三盒大套装)

DIYs Set 320美元白色DIY套装 




另外关于在Q&A #43中 对于RC及TKYO Ash的说法

Q: We assume, that the 7 Bones colorway may be coming to an end, in the not too distant future. Is there another squad of particularly interesting characters in the TK universe that you will be concentrating on, in lieu of the ol' Bones?  Or, is it a bit premature to give any information at this time.

A: Well in my mind there are many groups, take TKYO they are not just a group of stupid fuck pop singers but an A-TEAM style spec group, they use the pop band guise to freely move around without anyone knowing the wiser. I have always envisioned their end as epic and pivotal, a stand of a few against many… GIRL R/C as mentioned before has heritage and isn’t just a pretty face, but a master strategist and key member for their final act. With TK, some are what is called enlightened some are what is know as asleep at this stage. But getting back to your question yea, there are many, whether I will do them, or if in fact you guys want them is still a question for later on!

Q: 我猜想七骨配色会在不久的将来完结。在TK的世界中还有没有其他有意思的小队(小组),会接下来会代替旧的7骨让你专注开发的东西?还是说,现在就透露新计划为时过早?

A: 嗯,在我心目中还有很多的小组。举TKYO来当例子,他们可不是一群傻乎乎的流行歌手;实际上他们是特遣部队。他们用乐队来作为身份的伪装,以便于可以在各地出没且不为人知。我总是在设想TKYO的故事结局,一定是悲壮且有力的,区区几个人却面对着数不清的敌人。。。而像先前提到过的GIRL R/C(TKYO的女性新成员)传承下了这一切(指和其他TKYO成员一样的使命)可不仅仅只有一张漂亮的脸蛋,她实际上是一位战术战略家并且是他们最后一次行动的关键人物。说回到TK,他们一些已经顿悟了人生,而另一些此时此刻还处于沉睡阶段。但回到你刚刚的问题上,没错,在TK的世界里还有着很多不同的小组。是否会设计立体化他们,或者是否你们希望见到他们,仍然是个问题(以后再讨论)。

